Tuesday 21 August 2012

Cancellation of National Family Week

National Family Week was to run from 25th to 31st August 2012 but has had to sadly be cancelled this year as a result of all of the other big events gripping the nation.
We, for the most part, see our families every day but how much time do we actually spend together?
It is widely accepted that spending quality time with children is important and that this aids their development, sense of worth and belonging and allows for a closer relationship to develop with their parents.
In a world where children are faced with so much at such a young age I believe that it has never been more important for families to be close, to spend time together and for children to feel able to approach their parents about any issue, big or small.
For adults to, spending time with a partner or spouse is important. We rush through our days fitting in work, household chores, children’s parties/dance classes/sports etc. but where is the time set aside to enjoy quality time together?
Much has been made recently by the government about the importance of stability in families and the effect that broken family life can have on children and adults alike.
I for one hope that despite National Family Week having been cancelled this year, people will step back and think about how they could spend even just a little more quality time together.

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